Exeter Mural

Staying Home

As of today, March 25, there are 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tulare county. Tulare county is located in the south-central San Joaquin Valley in California. Both Nancy and I are following the CDC guidelines -

  • Staying at home
  • Traveling only if it is essential
  • Washing hands quite often
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces
  • Keeping my social distance on my daily walk

Since we are retired, we have been able to maintain this routine without changing our normal schedule too much. Nancy still walks the dogs, plays with the dogs, trains the dogs and is able to keep up with her yoga since her teacher is posting lessons online for her students.

As for myself, I have kept to my normal routine with only a couple of slight changes. I usually read the news while eating my breakfast. I take my daily walk around the neighborhood keeping my social distance, and after returning work on my project for the day. Amazon had Fire HD 8 tablets on special last week, and I purchased one for both Nancy and myself. Once they arrived, my project was to work on those and set them up. That occupied a couple of afternoons. There is always something unplanned that seems to creep up on you, and today, the battery in our Toyota 4Runner died. So, my project for today was purchasing and replacing the battery in the 4Runner. I also roasted two batches of coffee this afternoon. One thing I have learned about retirement is that there is always something that can be worked on.

Yes, both of us and our three dogs are doing well.